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Opera Next (Opera 12.00 "Wahoo"), первый публичный снимок

За прошедшее время после запуска финальной версии Opera 11.50 прошло уже довольно много времени, разработчики успели выпустить новую сборку Opera Next под версией 12.00, номер сборки 1017.

На данный момент пока идёт только работа над ошибками, а также полировка графического интерфейса, в будущем должны произойти существенные изменения, какие именно - пока неизвестно.

Скачать Opera Next 12.00 сборка 1017 можно по следующим ссылкам:

Полный список изменений Opera Next 12.00 сборка 1017: Desktop
  • DSK-339958 Align scrolling for document and scrollbar; and to other browsers
  • DSK-338150 Freeze on dialogs and address field input
  • DSK-320065 Widget upgrade via mainmenu stalls
  • DSK-340326 Crash when dragging a button from the Appearance dialog onto the Tab Bar
  • DSK-285866 Missorting of incoming mails, news and feeds
  • DSK-341109 Selecting search suggestion using keyboard difficult because the first search engine is focused by default
  • DSK-340665 Impossible to manually resize Speed Dial if custom number of columns is set
  • DSK-340975 Move Widgets menu next to it's brethren in the Tools menu
  • DSK-339779 Opera fails to start when search.ini points to invalid default search engines
  • DSK-339618 No Speed Dial page opened after Deleting User Data: Close all tabs
  • DSK-326870 Widgets without a <name> are treated as invalid
  • DSK-333610 Text on the button at error page in Asian languages is vertically: fixed again

  • DSK-337352 Make the Windows Installer able to continue after non fatal errors
  • DSK-322534 Cancelling uninstall triggers Windows compatibility assistant in Vista
  • DSK-331939 The text "By clicking on "Accept and Upgrade" in the Install jumps when clicking the TOS and back
  • DSK-333343 Right clicking and pasting into UI fields when they are not focused yields ghost text
  • DSK-340699 Low performance on windows while relayouting extensions manager
  • DSK-340494 Crash on exit
  • DSK-337892 Opening a panel with Content Block Toolbar present, the block content overlay gets stuck and the toolbar disappears
  • DSK-317904 Change to new Plugin event API

  • DSK-340209 Files from Finder open in background tabs
  • DSK-339539 Links from external applications open in background tabs
  • DSK-226117 Links that open new tabs from pages with click event listeners will open tab in background
  • DSK-340688 Crash when opening Dragonfly
  • DSK-340163 Some select lists have no scrollbars on Mac
  • DSK-340536 Hovering over collapsed access point in new mail panel while in drag state should expand the access point so you can continue dragging to a view
  • DSK-232496 Form widget inside container with opacity, painted beneath the container
  • DSK-340489 Dialog tabs not aligned in Preference Dialog for Japanese language
  • DSK-337995 Accept-Language header contains duplicate entries for en-US
  • DSK-340525 Disable smooth scrolling on Mac

  • DSK-339973 The status bar dissappears if you show menu bar
  • DSK-312270 Selecting all text on a page causes it to be copied to the clipboard.
  • DSK-332212 Opera doesn't respect opera:config#UserPrefs|PageBarOpenURLOnMiddleClick setting
  • DSK-339553 Wrong border width for popup menues (KDE)
  • DSK-336895 Window background in KDE incorrect: further fix needed for tab bar
  • DSK-339569 Wrong background color / effects for (hovered/disabled) popup menu buttons (KDE)
  • DSK-339915 Popup menu indicator arrows are poorly styled under KDE
Поставить рейтинг:(Рейтинг: 2.94, оценок: 424)
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2011-07-07 23:15:59

И действительно "Ваууу". Прошло-то на самом деле совсем НЕмного времени с момента запуска Opera 11.50, а уже готовят 12-ую. Респект. %)

2011-07-08 16:29:06

Yep. B-) Я дождался этого.

2011-07-09 03:08:10

видимо плюхи будут в билдах))

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