Версия браузера Maxthon опубликована для скачивания, в данную версию вошли некоторые улучшения и исправления, а также набор новых возможностей.
В режиме чтения появилась возможность управления страницей с помощью стрелок, левая и правая клавиши со стрелками - для перелистывания страниц, вверх и вниз - для прокрутки.
Добавлена возможность локального редактирования аватара.
Внесено большое количество улучшений, а также исправлений во все части браузера.
Скачать Maxthon можно по прямой ссылке:
- Скачать Maxthon (Установочная версия)
- Скачать Maxthon Portable (Zip-архив)
Полный список изменений Maxthon на английском:
- Added white background for the bubbles.
- Enabled to drag the text box.
- Changed magnifier coordinate to screenshot size.
- Supported pretreating special characters to avoid download error.
[Reader Mode]
- Optimized the analysis of Super Next Page.
- Added friendly tips if “next page” was not suitable for Reader Mode.
- Enabled to remember user setting.
[Main Frame]
- Interface display error with high-resolution display.
- A display problem caused by tool tips.
- The dialog box could not appear immediately when clicked “Clear Browser History” in Avatar Menu.
- Sometimes Tab List moved below the close button when maximize the browser window in Windows XP.
- User Panel disappeared sometimes.
- Improved the payment progress of 360buy.com.
- Failed to “Save as…” successfully for some pages.
- Fixed lots of crash problems.
- Optimized some page compatibility problems.
- Switching proxy problem.
- Problems of modifying items of “More Favorites” in Favorites Bar.
- Fixed a focus problem.
- The tooltip information was always there with the secondary menu of Favorites Bar displaying.
[Quick Access]
- It still displayed the old account thumbnails after switching the account.
[Online Notepad]
- Fixed a crash problem caused by dragging links.
- Confliction between double clicking for copying screenshot to the clipboard and Youdao Dictionary.
[Reader Mode]
- Some websites could not load the next page automatically.
- “The Next Page” of some websites displayed some irrelevant content.
- Some websites should not be recognized as for Reader Mode.
- Some pages for Reader Mode displayed blank.
- Failed to exit Reader Mode for the reason of no hiding the drop-down list box.
[Smart Address Bar]
- The cursor in the address bar was blocked sometimes.
- Auto-complete might break the existing content when changed the content in address bar.
[Source Sniffer]
- Fixed a display problem.
- Music display problems of some music websites.
- Some no response problems.
- Some web compatibility problems.
- Some core crash problems.
- Proxy switching problems.
- Some problems caused by input method.
- Scroll bar display problem of Set Favorites Bar Display Folder.
- Disappearing of close button sometimes.
- Page displayed incorrectly sometimes.
- Resizing problem of Favorites in Sidebar.